Please help. I am creating several oil paintings. I will create them all but would like your input as to which one I should work on next.
It's easy! Click one or more of the choices in the user survey on the right to indicate your preference, then click Vote. That's it! You can track results by clicking on the link and add suggestions in the comments section.
Looks like the survey doesn't show up on mobile devices so cellphone users should leave comments instead.
Each painting will be about four feet tall. I will post more information here and on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Thanks very much!
SORRY FOR THE LEGALESE: The survey results and suggestions submitted to this survey are non-binding. All rights to the painting and any of its derivative works reside solely with Lester Yocum or his assignees. Input here does not imply or otherwise require financial or other relationship to the artwork, its processes or any product produced therefrom in any form. Final art will vary from the above concepts. Painting completion will depend on available time. Submission of the survey and suggestions is voluntary and indicates agreement with these terms.