Wednesday, October 31, 2012

First Shipment Received!

Well, it's Halloween and I just received my first shipment of Welltower: First Run. Sending signed copies out as quickly as I can.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Book Sales

I have now sold copies of Welltower: First Run in the United States, the Philippines, Great Britain, and Europe. And all in less than a week since its first announcement. Amazing! Gratifying testimony to our globally-connected world.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Welltower Now Available

Welltower: First Run, my young adult science fiction thriller, is now available in paperback and Kindle edition from Amazon.

Be sure to write a review of the book in the Amazon page when you've read it! If you are interested in this world we live in, you will like this book a lot.

More info on my website at



Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prophet Returning Home - Final Final

Playing on the theme, "No artwork is ever finished," here is the latest final version of Nephi returning home after Christ's visit in 3 Nephi.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welltower Purposes

Welltower is classed as a young adult sci-fi thriller. However, I believe it is something more. This is from the book's Explanation: "This definitely is not your average formulaic science fiction shoot-‘em-up; its purposes are to point out the state of today’s societies and to propose solutions, which is an obligation I feel with all my work. Like our society at times, the story can be brutal; however, a strong spiritual quotient is woven throughout. Books two and three broaden and continue these concepts."

Welltower Proofed

I just finished proofing my novel, "Welltower: First Run." It will be available soon on Amazon in softcover and Kindle versions; the site is accepting pre-release orders. I will post here when the book becomes available.

My next step is to send out endorsement copies to industry movers and shakers to get their feedback on the book. Exciting times!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welltower Faceook Page

I just created a Facebook page for the Welltower trilogy, the first book of which I will be releasing shortly.

Check there and on my website for availability and special offers.